
Woodall Rogers Park

This post has moved to my new website, you can find it here:


  1. So what do you think about it? I have mixed feelings and don't know what to think about a bank who took bail out money and (even though they paid it all back) now is giving away $3 million to the park. What does that mean? Are they also lending some to businesses? What is the ramification....I am happy that the Park is getting funded. We need more green in Dallas. But again, I'm not sure what to think about the donor.

  2. A lot of people are unhappy because the banks have not been forthcoming about how they are using the bailout money. Chase received 25 billion dollars and when asked, said that 5 billion went towards non-profit and healthcare companies. If you really want to know more, go here

    I am choosing to be happy that the programming for the Park is getting funded rather than focus on what might have been done with the rest of the funds Chase received.
